Dunwoody Park

Located at 5343 Roberts Drive, at 25-acres, Dunwoody Park includes a significant nature preserve with hiking trails, Wildcat Creek, a playground in the woods, and nature classrooms in the Dunwoody Nature Center.

Dunwoody Nature Center Nature Center Pavilion
Wildcat Creek Wildcat Creek



Dunwoody Park Playground

Dunwoody Nature Center
The Dunwoody Nature Center inspires the love of nature and cultivates environmental understanding and stewardship by conserving and enhancing Dunwoody Park; educating children, families, and adults of all ages about the natural world and our place in it;  and motivating environmental awareness and responsible action.

• http://www.dunwoodynature.org/
• Contact: info@dunwoodynature.org
• Call: (770) 394-3322

The Dunwoody Nature Center offers programming year round, inviting members and visitors alike to move through the meadow, creek, and trails of Dunwoody Park.  Check out the Dunwoody Nature Center’s website to learn more about their upcoming programs.

Dunwoody Park Playground
Tucked in the woods, on the eastside of Wildcat Creek, is the Dunwoody Park Playground.  This hidden amenity is a gem for hiking parties with young children or families that in need of a little outdoor fun.  In October 2014, the City Council approved funds to update and improve the playground equipment.