Community Development

Dunwoody Village Master Plan Update 2020

A community open house was held on November 16, 2019, at Vintage Pizzeria to share details of the 2019 Dunwoody Village Master Plan Update. The open house was led by TSW, the Atlanta-based planning firm hired by the city to review and rewrite zoning regulations for the Dunwoody Village. The update considered connectivity, public spaces and the character of future development in preparation for future zoning changes in the Dunwoody Village.

*See new links below:

Dunwoody Village Districst Draft (11-10-20)

Draft Dunwoody Village Zoning Regulations

List: Revisions made to Dunwoody Village Districts from Feb. 2020 to Aug. 2020

Dunwoody Village Master Plan - Updated Public Street Design

More links:

Video presentation of proposed zoning changes - slides + narration

Slide presentation of proposed zoning changes without narration

Maps, illustrations and other detailed boards