Tuesday, November 12, 2013

GOHS M.A.T.E.N. Meeting

The Dunwoody Police Department will be hosting the Metro Atlanta Traffic Enforcement Network (M.A.T.E.N.) meeting.

By City of Dunwoody

The Dunwoody Police Department will be hosting the Metro Atlanta Traffic Enforcement Network (M.A.T.E.N.) meeting today at 7:00pm. Immediately following the meeting the members of M.A.T.E.N. will conduct a joint Safety Check Point within the City of Dunwoody to promote a safe start to the holiday season. 
The Governor's Office of Highway Safety in cooperation with state and local law enforcement agencies has organized regional Traffic Enforcement Networks around the State of Georgia. There are currently sixteen regional traffic enforcement networks servicing all 159 counties in Georgia. The regional networks are open to all sworn law enforcement officers and prosecutors and are designed to enhance traffic enforcement activities through networking, training and legislation. The networks serve as a catalyst for traffic enforcement officers to voice their concerns and share ideas with their counterparts from other agencies in their region. Guest speakers and panelists have included state and municipal court judges, prosecutors, legislators, MADD representatives, Public Service Commission, and ALS judges.

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