Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Creating a Get-Home-Bag

In light of the recent snow and ice storm, the Dunwoody PD encourages motorists to consider assembling a "Get-Home-Bag" to leave in your trunk.

By City of Dunwoody

In light of the recent snow and ice storm, the Dunwoody Police Department encourages motorists to consider assembling a “Get-Home-Bag”, which is lightweight and can be left in a trunk for use in cases of severe weather and related traffic back-ups.
The concept of a “Get-Home-Bag” is fairly simple and the items in it are relatively inexpensive. It can usually be assembled with a lot of items that most drivers already possess, but more importantly can really make a difference in times of need.
  • Small backpack/old book bag
  • Brightly colored plastic rain poncho
  • Walking boots in the winter / tennis shoes for summer – better for long walks than dress shoes or high heels.
  • Thick wool socks
  • Small umbrella
  • 4 bottles of Waterget home bag
  • 4 granola bars
  • Small homemade first aid kit in a zip-top plastic bag
  • Toilet paper
  • Basic map of the city you live and work in.
  • LED flashlight with spare batteries – for night time travel and vehicle repair
  • Cell. phone charger (vehicle and regular outlet capable if possible)
  • A written list of emergency numbers and addresses – remember cell. systems may go down for a period of time and you may not have access to that information off your phone
  • Wool cap, gloves, scarf,
  • A few chemical hand/foot warmers
  • Insulated jacket
  • Blanket or sleeping bag
  • Ice scraper for your windshield
  • A 2-gallon gas can – an empty gas can will be hard to buy when hundreds of people are trying to get gas at the same time – consider that 1-gallon of gas may not be enough considering heavy traffic, but that a 5-gallon can will weigh 40 pounds when full.
This list can certainly be expanded to include a lot more items but this may be enough to get you out of a tight spot. A credit card, cash and a prepaid calling card should be able to pay for a ride, buy more food and water and call your loved ones (or help).
Pay particular attention to your specific medical needs and pack enough for a few days (such as insulin kits, seizure medications, etc.)
Please don’t forget that fuel will be important so when there is a potential for the weather to get very cold or icy, gas up all the way before the event strikes. In the wintertime refuel to have a full tank when you hit the half-full mark in your gas tank.
Remember though – the “Get-Home-Bag” has to be in your car to be useful!!!!

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