Friday, September 19, 2014

Dunwoody Police Launch NextDoor Website

The Dunwoody Police Department has partnered with Nextdoor (, the private social network for neighborhoods.

By City of Dunwoody

In an effort to help facilitate a virtual neighborhood watch program and help foster neighbor-to-­neighbor communications, the Dunwoody Police Department has partnered with Nextdoor (, the private social network for neighborhoods.
Nextdoor is free for the residents and the city. Each Dunwoody neighborhood has its own private Nextdoor neighborhood website, accessible only to residents of that neighborhood. Residents can use their website to get to know their neighbors, ask questions, and exchange local advice and recommendations. At this time, there are over 1,000 Dunwoody residents already utilizing Nextdoor.
Neighborhoods establish and self-manage their own Nextdoor website. Information shared on Nextdoor is only visible to verified members. The Dunwoody Police Department will be able to post important information, such as crime updates to Nextdoor sites within the city. The Police Department will not be able to access the residents’ websites, contact information, or content.
Nextdoor was specifically designed to make neighbors feel comfortable sharing information with one another in order to build stronger communities. All members must verify that they live within the neighborhood. Information shared on Nextdoor is password protected and cannot be accessed by those outside the neighborhood or found on Google or other search engines. In addition, Nextdoor never shares personal information with any third parties. Unlike an email listserv or other online groups, neighbor posts are organized and archived for future reference.

Those interested in joining the Nextdoor website can visit and enter their address. If Nextdoor is available in their area, they can immediately sign up. If a Nextdoor website has not yet been established for their area, active and engaged neighbors are invited to apply to bring Nextdoor to their neighborhood. If you have questions about your Nextdoor website you can contact Officer Mark Stevens at or

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