Thursday, July 02, 2020

Dunwoody Police Release Investigation

Dunwoody, GA – July 2, 2020 – The Dunwoody Police Department has completed the Halstead and Bolden Ante-Litem Investigation. The report is available online using this link.

Statement from Dunwoody Police Chief Billy Grogan:

“Today, the findings and conclusions of the investigation become public. I thank the Mayor and Council for authorizing the immediate release of this report. The Dunwoody community deserves to be provided with the truth about our department and the exceptional people employed here.

The report will speak for itself. I encourage everyone to read the report carefully including all attachments.

I have also forwarded the full report to the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) Council, which is the state body with regulatory authority over law enforcement officers and their agencies.

In closing, I want to thank the residents of Dunwoody for their support. Again, I encourage you to read the report carefully including all attachments.”

Statement from Dunwoody Mayor Lynn Deutsch:

“Today, Chief Grogan released the Halstead and Bolden Ante-Litem Investigation report for public review. The investigation was thorough, and the report is comprehensive.

It was important to the Dunwoody City Council and me to release this report to the public as soon as it was completed, and we are doing so today.

Additionally, Chief Grogan forwarded the report to the Georgia Peace Officers Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) Council, the state agency responsible for establishing law enforcement standards and certifying police officers in Georgia.

The report speaks for itself. I encourage everyone to read the report carefully and include all attachments. The report’s release is an example of the City of Dunwoody’s commitment to provide the public with as much information as possible to promote accountability and trust in government related to all matters."


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