Friday, May 03, 2019

Distracted Driving and Pedestrian Safety Enforcement Details

The Dunwoody Police Department is pleased to announce the results of both a distracted driving and pedestrian traffic safety enforcement detail the week of April 29th.

******For Immediate Release******

Incident:    Distracted Driving and Pedestrian Safety Enforcement Details
Date:         May 3, 2019
Location:   Dunwoody, GA

The Dunwoody Police Department is pleased to announce the results of both a distracted driving and pedestrian traffic safety enforcement detail the week of April 29th.

In an ongoing effort to make our roadways safer for those who live, work, and play in Dunwoody, the Dunwoody Police Department frequently conducts traffic enforcement details aimed at changing driver behaviors and holding drivers who refuse to abide by the rules of the road accountable.

The week of April 29th, 2019, the Dunwoody Police Department conducted traffic safety details focused on addressing both distracted driving and drivers refusing to yield for pedestrians in crosswalks.

In total, 32 citations were written and two arrests were made for hands-free violations, seatbelt violations, and drivers failing to yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk. In the first arrest, the violator was found to be unlicensed and was taken into custody. In the second, the violator was found to be in possession of the illegal drug LSD.

Many experts agree that distracted driving is the leading cause of traffic fatalities nationwide, and even with hands-free laws in place, we still see drivers violating the law on a regular basis. There is undoubtedly a correlation between distracted driving and pedestrian crashes, and we hope these enforcement details will continue to increase driver safety and prevent tragedies on our roadways.



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