Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Larceny - Publix

The Dunwoody Police Department is investigating a larceny that occurred on 5/9/13 at Publix. The pictured suspect stole the victim's wallet from her shopping cart and then used her credit cards at several locations to purchase merchandise.

Incident: Larceny 
Date: 05/21/2013 
Location: Publix Store, 5550 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd, Dunwoody, GA. 
The Dunwoody Police Department is investigating a larceny that occurred on 5/9/13 at Publix. The pictured suspect (see below) stole the victim's wallet from her shopping cart and then used her credit cards at several locations to purchase merchandise and gifts cards. 
Anyone with information regarding this suspect or incident is asked to contact the Dunwoody Police Department, Det. B. Lauda at 678-382-6914 or 
You may also leave anonymous crime tips via SUBMIT A CRIME TIP, or submit a Text Message to C-R-I-M-E-S (2 7 4 - 6 3 7). Use the key word DPDTIPS at the start of your message.

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