Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Alarm Registration Update

Although the effective date of the ordinance is July 1, 2013, we do not anticipate going live and enforcing the ordinance until at least September 1, 2013.

Although the effective date of the ordinance is July 1, 2013, we do not anticipate going live and enforcing the ordinance until at least September 1, 2013.  We have been working with our vendor, Public Safety Corporation, to design and implement our alarm management portal where alarm users can register their alarm systems.  We anticipate this will be ready within the next several weeks.  Once the portal is up, we want to make sure we give alarm users enough time to register their alarm systems.
We have posted information on our website about the implementation of the alarm ordinance.  In addition, we posted a video about the implementation of the alarm ordinance.  
Here is a link to both:
Once the alarm management portal is up, we will push the information out about how to register to alarm users through our website, social media channels, Interactive Defense, neighborhood watch coordinators and the media.  The City of Dunwoody communications team is working closely with their counterparts in Sandy Springs and Johns Creek to coordinate a media blitz since all three cities have adopted a very similar ordinance which will likely be enacted at the same time.  We also plan on having a couple of public meetings to answer questions about the new ordinance once the alarm management portal is up and running.
We will also have a registration form at the department that citizens can pick up and use to register if they are not online.

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